Hello and welcome fellow brethern of the glass!
Many of you may have asked - where has the Zion Society gone, am I really such a Loser that no one invites me out to play?  Look no further.  IT'S BAAAAAACK! 

Where Did the Zion Society Go?
Long ago and in a place far away..... an email was passed to someone from outside the original email list. WHO then passed it to another (their LDS Bishop) who felt it was their obligation to address and comment the existence and purpose of the ZION SOCIETY. In essence - I was sent an email stating that for the most part it appears I was advocating reckless paganistic behavior (drinking and Burningman adventures) while simultaneously attacking the LDS Corporation and mormon population at large and I should stop it. To satisfice the moment - I pursued other thoughts (marriage, family and job) and paused in sending ZION SOCIETY announcements.

      Well I slept it off, and have convinced myself that NO I was not promoting reckless paganistic behavior. (No more than I would want my children to comprehen as they do already). Nor was I directly slamming the LDS CORPORATION. (They somehow invoke mechanisms to bring this upon themselves.) I was simply posting news articles and adding commntary to which I saw occurring about me in the old State of Deseret. I never received any feed back (positive or negative) from people ON the email list. No one on the email list ever asked to be removed.

So ..... ON with the ZION SOCIETY!

* * * WARNING * * *
For entertainment purposes only.
A Listing of STUFF to take issue with!
The Zion Society is intended to poke mischievous fun at all situations noticed to occur in life as we know it.

A great lead article in the local paper. The IOMEGA CEO wonders aloud why alcohol is such an issue in SLC/Utah/Olympics/Gov. Office. 

When they settle on a name give me a call. No wait don't call!

Da Spoof of Da Month
Gotta admit this one is a good laugh.
I laughed so hard I was tearing and choking!


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